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  • Mařenka’s Aria from The Bartered Bride, Smetana
    • 9/20/24

    Mařenka’s Aria from The Bartered Bride, Smetana

    Mařenka’s aria from Prodaná nevěsta (The Bartered Bride) by Bedřich Smetana

    “Och, jaký žal... Ten lásky sen… “

    Valerie Dzielski, soprano

    Kim Zhang, piano

    Voice Departmental Recital

    Goodwin Hall at The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University

    September 18, 2023

  • “Deh vieni non tardar…” Mozart at La Musica Lirica 2023 First Academy Concert
    • 9/20/24

    “Deh vieni non tardar…” Mozart at La Musica Lirica 2023 First Academy Concert

    Teatro Sociale, Novafeltria RN, Italy

    June 24, 2023

    “Giunse alfin il momento… Deh vieni non tardar…” from Le Nozze di Figaro, W.A. Mozart

    Soprano, Valerie Dzielski

    Pianist, John Oswald

    disclaimer: I attempted to adjust the video to make it easier see my face with minimal results. I am very pale.

  • “O, zittre nicht” from Die Zauberflöte, Mozart
    • 9/20/24

    “O, zittre nicht” from Die Zauberflöte, Mozart

    “O zittre nicht….” First act aria sung by the Queen of the Night in W. A. Mozart’s opera, Die Zauberflöte.

    Valerie Dzielski, soprano

    Kim Zhang, piano

    Recorded at the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD on October 15, 2023.

  • Mów do mnie jeszcze, Mieczysław Karłowicz
    • 4/22/23

    Mów do mnie jeszcze, Mieczysław Karłowicz

    Poem by Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer.

    IPA Guide and translation by Valerie Dzielski:

    [muv* dɔ mɲɛ jɛs̜ts̜ɛ zɔd:dal̹i]

    Mów do mnie jeszcze, z oddali, z oddali,

    Speak to me still from distance

    Speak to me still from a distance

    [gwɔs tfuj m̹i pwɨɲɛ* na pɔv̹ɛts̜nɛj fal̹i]

    Głos twój mi płynie na powietrznej fali.

    Voice yours me flows on air waves

    Your voice flows to me on air waves

    [jak k̹atɛm kaz̜dɨm swɔvɛm tfɨm ɕɛ p̹ɛs̜ts̜ɛ]

    Jak kwiatem, każdym słowem twym się pieszczę,

    Like flower every word your oneself caress

    With every word you caress me like a flower

    [muv* dɔ mɲɛ jɛs̜ts̜ɛ pwɨnɔw᷈ntsɛ kum̹ɛ swɔva]

    Mów do mnie jeszcze, te płynące ku mnie słowa

    Speak to me still, the flowing toward me word

    Speak to me still, your words flowing to me

    [sɔw᷈ jaɡbɨ mɔdlitfa ps̜ɨ trumɲɛ]

    Są jakby modlitwa przy trumnie.

    They’re as if prayer by coffin

    As if praying by a coffin

    [i f sɛrtsu ɕm̹ɛrʈɕi vɨvɔwujɔw᷈ drɛs̜ts̜ɛ]

    I w sercu śmierci wywołują dreszcze,

    And in heart death induce chills

    And in the dead heart induce chills

    [muv dɔ mɲɛ jɛs̜ts̜ɛ]

    Mów do mnie jeszcze!

    Speak to me still

    Speak to me still!

    *While normally pronounced [muf], because this is diction for singing and it’s place in the phrase next to the voiced [d], the word “mów” should in this case be pronounced ending with the voiced [v].

    *The written letter “y” is a unique sound in Polish. Here we use the symbol [ɨ] as it’s the symbol used by Polish linguists. Remember it is different from the Russian pronunciation associated with the symbol. It is a mid palate vowel similar to the English pronunciation of the symbol [ɪ].

  • Z erotyków, Mieczysław Karłowicz
    • 10/29/21

    Z erotyków, Mieczysław Karłowicz

    z erotykow (from Erotica)

    Poem by Józef Waśniewski (1859 - 1897)

    Three-Layered Translation by Valerie Dzielski

    I zamiast słońc i gwiazd, aniele ty mój drogi,

    Instead of suns and stars angel you my dear

    Instead of suns and stars my dear angel

    Ja tylko łzy i łzy dziś składam ci pod nogi.

    I only tears and tears today I-make-you/I pledge under feet

    I only offer you tears and tears at your feet today

    Przebacz, że duszy mej ubogie są tak zdroje,

    Forgive that soul mine poor are thus/yes source

    Forgive my poor soul, it is really the source

    Lecz przyjmij chociaż łzy, bo łzy te, to łzy moje.

    but/yet recieve/get although/at least tears because tears these these tears mine

    But at least receive these tears because these tears are mine

  • The queen's face on the summery coin, Samuel Barber
    • 11/16/21

    The queen's face on the summery coin, Samuel Barber

    The Queen’s Face on the Summery Coin

    by Robert Horan

    The queen’s face on the summery coin

    Was never golden nor more regal,

    Than his body’s bright and busting bugle

    Where once it walked between the stripes of rain.

    The birds swing in their apply cages

    And the solid sun will walk

    Through straw houses where honey rages,

    Churning the light to chalk.

    The wind shines on the woody grove.

    We live in a copper clock where on the hour

    A polished bell divides the stem and flow’r

    And drains the ghost-built body of its love.

    Like the deaf, list’ning for a silence that follows no sound,

    Or the sick, swung in the balance between wound and wound;

    There is too much eye to see

    All but the nearest disorder.

    In the sable shadow of this harbor

    He lies him down among the singing bees.

  • "Allons il le faut... Adieu, notre petite table.." Manon, Massenet
    • 4/22/23

    "Allons il le faut... Adieu, notre petite table.." Manon, Massenet

    Manon’s aria from Massenet’s Manon.

    Translations by Valerie Dzielski

    From Manon

    Composer: Massenet

    Librettist: Henri Meilhac

    Allons! Il le faut! Pour lui-même…

    Come on! He/it the must for himself

    Come on? It is necessary (I must do it)! For his sake...

    Mon pauvre chevalier!

    My poor knight

    My poor knight!

    Oui, c'est lui que j'aime!

    Yes, it is him that I love

    Yes, it’s him that I love!

    Et pourtant, j'hésite aujourd'hui!

    And yet/however/but I hesitate today

    And yet, I hesitate today!

    Non, non!... Je ne suis plus digne de lui!

    No, no I not am more dignified/worthy of him

    No, no!... I am not worthy of him!

    J'entends cette voix qui m'entraîne

    I hear that voice who me takes/sweeps/pulls/drags

    I hear that voice that pulls me

    contre ma volonté:

    Against my will/drive/passion

    Against my will:

    Manon, Manon, tu seras reine...

    Manon, Manon, you will be queen

    Manon, Manon, you will be queen...

    Reine... par la beauté!

    Queen by/through/via the beauty

    Queen… by your beauty!

    Je ne suis que faiblesse et que fragilité...

    I not am what/that/who weakness/inadequate and that fragility

    I am nothing but weakness and fragility

    Ah! malgré moi je sens couler mes larmes…

    Ah! despite/in spite of me/myself I sense flow my tears

    Ah! In spite of myself I feel the flow of my tears...

    Devant ces rêves effacés,

    In front of/outside/before those/these dreams barely visible/indistinct/erased

    Beyond those vanishing dreams

    L' avenir aura-t-il les charmes

    the/it future/prospects will there be the charms

    In the future there will be the charms

    de ces beaux jours déjà passés?

    Of these/those beautiful days already/yet past

    Of those beautiful days yet to pass

    (Peu à peu elle s'est approchée de la table toute servie.)

    (Little by little she approaches the table all served/ set up for a meal)

    Adieu, notre petite table,

    Goodbye, our little table,

    qui nous réunit si souvent!

    who/which/that we gather/join so often/frequently

    Who we gathered around so often!

    Adieu, notre petite table,

    Goodbye, our little table,

    si grande pour nous cependant!

    So big/large for us however/yet/nevertheless/even so/nonetheless

    So big for us though!

    On tient, c'est inimaginable...

    somebody/someone/you/one/we hold/keep/retain/got it is unimaginable/unthinkable

    One thinks, it’s unimaginable

    Si peu de place… en se serrant…

    So little/small of place/space/room to/in self/ squeeze/compress/tighten

    So little space… to squeeze oneself into...

    Adieu, notre petite table,

    Goodbye, our little table,

    Un même verre était le nôtre,

    A same glass/drink was the ours

    We used the same glass

    chacun de nous, quand il buvait

    Each of us when he drinks

    Each of us when we drank

    y cherchait les lèvres de l'autre …

    at/to/he/it searches/looks for the lips of the other

    We searched for the lips of the other

    Ah! pauvre ami, comme il m'aimait!

    Ah poor friend like/as/how/since he me loves

    Ah! Poor friend, how he loves me!

    Adieu, notre petite table, adieu!

    Goodbye, our little table, goodbye!

  • "Giunse alfin il momento... Deh, vieni, non tardar..." from Le Nozze di Figaro, Mozart
    • 11/16/21

    "Giunse alfin il momento... Deh, vieni, non tardar..." from Le Nozze di Figaro, Mozart

    Susanna’s recitative and aria from Le Nozze di Figaro by W. A. Mozart.

  • Nad wodą wielką i czystą, Ignacy Jan Paderewski
    • 4/22/23

    Nad wodą wielką i czystą, Ignacy Jan Paderewski

    Poem by Adam Mickiewicz

    Translation by Valerie Dzielski

    Nad wodą wielką i czystą

    Above water great and clear

    Stały rzędami opoki,

    Steady rows rocks (mountains)

    I woda tonią przejrzystą

    and water sink/drown transparent

    Odbiła twarze ich czarne;

    Reflect faces their black


    Nad wodą wielką i czystą

    Above water great and clear

    Przebiegły czarne obłoki,

    Cunning black clouds

    I woda tonią przejrzystą

    and water sink/drown transparent

    Odbiła kształty ich marne;

    Reflect shapes their feeble


    Nad wodą wielką i czystą

    Above water great and clear

    Błysnęło wzdłuż i grom ryknął,

    Flash along the thunder shout

    I woda tonią przejrzystą

    and water sink/drown transparent

    Odbiła światło, głos zniknął.

    Reflect light, voice vanish


    A woda, jak dawniej czysta,

    And water, how formerly clear

    Stoi wielka i przejrzysta.

    Stood great and transparent


    Tę wodę widzę dokoła

    These waters behold around

    I wszystko wiernie odbijam,

    and whole (all around) faithfully reflect

    I dumne opoki czoła,

    and proud rocks brow

    I błyskawice - pomijam.

    and lightning - ignored


    Skałom trzeba stać i grozić,

    Cliffs must stand and threaten

    Obłokom deszcze przewozić,

    Clouds rain carry

    Błyskawicom grzmieć i ginąć,

    Lightning blast and perish

    Mnie płynąć, płynąć i płynąć -

    Me flow/swim/float/sail